Центр психологического консультирования ТРИАЛОГ
«Образ жизни большинства людей говорит о господстве темноты. … Единства нет, а есть постоянное разделение»
Антонио Менегетти
Тел.: (+7 925) 505-2-333
mail@trialog.ru Психология 100
ФАКУЛЬТЕТ ПСИХОЛОГИИ ГУ-ВШЭ, магистерская программа "Исследование, консультирование и психотерапия личности"

TRIALOG - Psychological Counseling Center
TRIALOG - Psychological Counseling Center

Our Professional Staff

At the TRIALOG Center experienced psychologists and psychotherapists are working, who are associates and members of the Department of Psychology at Moscow State University. TRIALOG was established by D.Sc. (in Psychology) Alex Orlov at 2000.

Our Theoretical Basis

Humanistic psychology (more) and ontopsychology.

Basic Directions Of Our Work

Individual Counseling
5-6 hours of counseling with a psychologist should help you to resolve your personal problems.

A real opportunity for everyone (whenever you live) to have on-line Skype counseling sessions anytime with anyone of our counselors.

Individual Psychotherapy
Course of psychotherapy lasting between 2 to 6 months offering profound and systematic work upon your problems, facilitating your return to healthy functioning, stimulating a positive change in your personality and communication with significant others.

Family Counseling
Several counseling sessions with a psychologist should help you to resolve your family problems.

Family Psychotherapy
A course of systemic family psychotherapy lasting between 2 to 6 months (offering profound work upon your family, marital and parent-child relationship problems) facilitates a return of your family to its normal function and enables a positive change in the system of your family relationships.

Group Psychotherapy
Several days with a small group of people who experience difficulties and problems similar to yours with the help of qualified psychologists enables you to analyze and evaluate your situation in life and to find a way out of it.

Our Psychotherapeutic Programs For Our Clients

  • those who have unresolved experiences of bodily, psychological, or sexual violence ("Approach");
  • those who have undergone crises in marital or non-marital relationships ("Chance");
  • those who suffer from spontaneous fits of anger ("Receptivity");
  • those who experience difficulties associated with a sense of chilliness toward others ("Empathy");
  • those seeking to actualize their creative potential ("Creativity");
  • those with a preoccupation with their own internal life ("Self-knowledge");
  • those who work, study, live or vacation together ("Mutual understanding");
  • those with suppressed depression or loneliness ("Recovery");
  • those with low self-esteem or an inferiority complex ("Confidence");
  • those with various types of dependencies (chemical, emotional, or dependencies upon family members or relatives) ("Liberation").

Our Training Programs

Group Person-Centered Therapy -- Encounter group. Classic group therapy using modern humanistic psychology. Length of program: 6 days (36 hours).

Person-Centered Expressive Therapy -- An opportunity for self-expression and self-awareness through art. Length of program: 4 days (24 hours).

Onto-consultation and Ontotherapy -- The latest direction in psychological science. Two days (24 hours) of exposure lets you gain familiarity with the methods and techniques of ontotherapy.

Trialogical approach to psychological counseling and psychotherapy (2 days, 24 hours) -- Lectures, demonstration, and practice familiarizes the participants with the most modern approach to psychological counseling and psychotherapy, synthesizing the ideas of Russian dialogical approach and state-of-the-art psychology and psychotherapy from abroad.

The practice of individual psychological counseling (6 days, 32 hours) -- Practical course from the curriculum of the Psychology Department of Moscow State University.

Stages of Personality Development and Professional Growth -- Offering you a unique opportunity, in the context of a theoretical and psychotherapeutic program, to learn the basics of the traditional person-centered therapeutic approach of Carl Rogers and various related modern versions -- client-centered expressive therapy (N. Rogers) and ontotherapy (A. Meneghetti).

Our Associates

Our Guarantee

Diplomas and Certificats:

  • Moscow State University
  • Academy of Practical Psychology
  • All-Russian Academic Committee of the Russian Federation
  • Person-centered Expressive Therapy Institute, Santa Rosa, California, USA
  • International Association for Ontopsychology, Rome, Italy


Phone, E-mail: (+7 925) 505-2-333, mail@trialog.ru


© Центр психологического консультирования ТРИАЛОГ
Tел.: (+7 925) 505-2-333
rax.ru: показано число хитов за 24 часа, посетителей за 24 часа и за сегодня
 Рейтинг@Mail.ru Психология 100
Last update 11.03.2025   
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